Saturday, September 27, 2008

Keep dancing !

Small actions, and 'small' ideas could change the world, How the community could realize the importance of sharing its brain. The greatness is inside you be part of it even if no body hears you, never give up !

What small action are you doing today to change the world ?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Creating associations to work together

If we organize through different leader on different areas, and together generate several associations that will work together to create better global customer experience.

Lets stop thinking on a limited world, where for one to win the other needs to loose.

We are living on a linked world with unlimited resources and opportunities, lets take full advantage of it.


How to cure the Indifference

We have indifference generated for the frustration to have leader not driving Mexico in the right direction.

Every one is doing small contribution for their own benefit. How to we recover the joy of our people to work together and believe there still something to be done, a Hope to take Mexico outside of the darkness.

Reorganizing goverment

Do we have the best people doing the most appropriate jobs at the government ? What is the size of the government org chart ? Is it competitive ? Is it evaluated by its consumers ? Do they receive a bonus based on the revenue they are creating for their stake holders ?

Is the goverment renewed pro productivity or based on who are your friends ? Let's define What goverment we want and ask them or lead to this point.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Have you ever wanted to write a book ?

Go ahead, let's start expression our concerns and our visions, we have many words to say and many words to listen from others. I'm starting a book named: "Rhythm".

All the revenue generated from the sales of that book, will be used to implement one of the ideas placed on this blog.

Participate, I'm sure any idea will be improved dramatically with the community participation,

any one could submit changes into this portal, just sign in and have fun !

Mexico needs you !

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Make a plan to educate our goverment

Lets take as example police officers, there are some honest of them, not many. What if we offer free professional education for them. Leadership, Career plan, we can build a plan to make them better professionals.

Let's be clear, increase on their payments wont solve the problem, and their leaders are not very good example to follow.

What do you think ?

Free computers with internet

There are many things happening in the world through the Web and Mexico is doing isolated efforts. Lets get together and generate a business plan to have several internet classrooms where anyone could learn about computers and how to create programs, so that we can sell our intellectual property to other countries.

Many companies may be interested on this effort, ideas, welcome !

Free Education out of goverment hands

We have plenty of opportunities to grow on several direction concerning to education, What if we define a business plan to create free private schools in Mexico with REAL teachers, with real talent to help us to grow in several areas.

Ideas are welcome !